Saturday 21 February 2015


Myth. If you get a degree, work hard, look great, and have a great relationship  you will be perfectly happy and satisfied. 

Myth. You will be incredibly successful and have it all figured out by 30 years old. 

Myth. You will be married and have your first child by 28. Maybe, maybe not.

Myth. You will still feel young through all of your twenties. You will start to feel older physically by 25. Your hangovers will be so bad at 28 that the idea of staying out drinking all night will be a hilarious idea to you. It's something for 22 year olds. 

Myth. If you make a mistake at 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 that it will effect the trajectory of your life. Not true. The sun will rise tomorrow, the birds will chirp, there will be another day to start over. I'm looking at you addicts. 

Myth. The friends you party with at 21, most of them you will lose touch with by 30. Only a select few will stick around beyond 25. Your college pals that you think will be your best pals for life? Some will still be there at 40, most will be living their lives doing their thing. Just like you. 

Myth. That you have all the time in the world to get pregnant. Not trying to scare anyone but factually speaking your fertility begins to drop at 30. It really goes down at 35 and takes a nose dive at 40. Something to think about.

Myth. That 30 is a long ways away. Listen all you 20 year olds, time is a'flyin'. You are at the bar thinking the 30 year olds there are old and lame. 30's two seconds away. 

Myth.That anyone cares about what you are doing and you need to impress anyone, or live up to expectations. The only people who actually care what you are doing or not doing are your parents. Everyone else is busy figuring out their own lives. 

While we are on the topic, don't worry about your parents expectations. Make your own up and figure out how to be the person you want to be. 

Myth. That the world is full of people who care. No actually, it's full of people who don't give a shit, and some truly evil people too. There are good people too, but the nasty ones make a lot of noise and the others are as quiet as a mouse. 

Myth. You can achieve your dreams. Well, maybe you can, maybe you can't. Still worth a shot but don't get so obsessed that if per chance you do fall on your ass, you don't waste too much time being bent out of shape about it. 

I've spent too much time in the past licking my wounds when I should have been getting my mojo back.

Myth. The perfect wedding and honey moon will ensure a perfect marriage that lasts forever. I have friends who are already divorced. 
You may get married and stress over every detail of the wedding and you do last forever. 
Just don't panic at 26 and get married because you are ready to settle down and terrified of missing the chance. Get married with your eyes wide open and because you are deeply in love and know what you are getting into. 
Marriage doesn't solve massive cracks in the foundation. That takes real work and honesty. The pretty dress and flower girls ain't gonna be there a year in to wave a wand and change your relationship for you if things are going south.

The twenties are a massive learning experience. Full of ups and downs and confusion. No one tells you that at 18. Everyone tells you how intense being a teenager is. Being a teenager is nothing compared to your twenties.

Better have fun and make it count. 

Today is the youngest and most energetic YOU will ever be.

You can see the origin of the word MYTH and how it has been used largely over 1980-2000, the word peaked at 1993 

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